
terça-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2016


riga art nouveau

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The art nouveau streets of Riga, Latvia are perhaps the city’s most charming facet. We went into a couple of churches, and they aren’t much to look at. I think this is somewhat indicative of Northern Europe, where the church played less of a role in daily life than the Catholic Church does in the south. Nevertheless, the instinct for art is strong, and it must be expressed somehow. When you aren’t compelled to decorate churches, you make do with your apartment and office blocks. All these images are from one street, Alberta Street in Old Riga. How great that these buildings are being preserved and restored–and that they survived the Soviet era.

Discordo da definição "Art Nouveau". Trata-se, na maior parte das fotos, de fachadas típicas do final do século XIX, de estilo claramente neo-clássicas. Isto é a pesar de alguns, raros. elementos bem caraterísticos de Art Nouveau.

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