
sábado, 13 de junho de 2015


Keep the preservation and revoke law condemning Galapagos marine reserve to seabed explorations, and allows international corporations to build hotels on the Islands.

"The Galápagos Islands, a volcanic archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, is a province of Ecuador, lying about 1,000km off its coast, and considered one of the world's foremost destinations for wildlife-viewing. Its isolated terrain shelters a diversity of plant and animal species, many found nowhere else. Charles Darwin visited in 1835, and his observation of Galápagos' species later inspired his theory of evolution". The Ecuadorian Government has approved a law that will allow the pristine marine reserves seabed exploration with the use of sonar which can be destructive to the marine wildlife. This law will also allow international corporations to develope massive hotels that will jeopardize the sustainability of the islands natural ecosystems.

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